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Excel Filter Function Trick Using Non-Adjacent Columns

Are you up for a really cool trick with Excel’s new FILTER function? With this, you can get multiple match results from non-adjacent columns in a simple, dynamic way! Check out the full article.

How to Combine Excel Sheets with Power Query

Can you easily combine & clean data from multiple Excel sheets into a single table or Pivot Table? You can easily get this done in Excel with Get & Transform (aka Power Query). Check out the full post.

How to Create Conditional Bar Charts in Excel

Properly show the variance to previous period using conditionally formatted bar charts. There is a simple trick to getting the negative bars in a different color to positive bars. You’ll also discover a bonus trick to conditionally format any bars based on a logic.

How to Transpose Mutliple Header Rows to Columns in Excel – Advanced Unpivot Techniques

You can easily use Excel Power Query to transpose a data-set with multiple row headers from multiple columns to rows. Find out how in this quick tutorial.

How to Use Excel IFS Function

The IF function is one of the most popular functions in Excel. But what about the IFS function? Does it really make writing nested IF functions easier? Let’s find out.

Create Excel Filled Map Charts with Power Query

Go from raw data to a filled map chart in Excel. Power Query will help summarize the data and make the whole process dynamic. Use Excel filled maps to create an impressive visualization for your reports.

What is Power Query and Why Should You Use It?

What can Excel Power Query do for you? It can help you in more ways than you think. Not only can you import big data from different locations, but you can also replace complex formulas with a few clicks.

How to Create a Pivot Table in Excel

Learn how to use Excel Pivot Tables to quickly summarize your data and create meaningful reports. In 10 minutes, we cover everything you need to know about Pivot Tables.

How to Transform Text with Power Query – Upper Case, Split Text or Format Text Easily

Discover the Easiest way to transform text in Excel. Separate words, split cells by delimiter, extract text after space, extract numbers from text and a lot more. Excel Power Query has powerful text transformation options.

4 Hidden Excel Dashboard Design Tips for Beautiful Reports

You can spend a lot of time on design and formatting when you create Excel dashboards. Discover 4 hidden tips that will make the process a lot easier.

How to Get Multiple Match Results in Excel Without the FILTER Function

If you don’t have the Filter function in Excel, you need to check out this easy formula approach to get multiple match results in Excel. Download the workbook and use the version that fits your problem best.

How to Combine Files From a Folder with Excel Power Query

Learn the easiest way to combine multiple Excel files into one Workbook. With Power Query you can import files directly from a folder and append them into one table or Pivot Table. It just takes a few clicks.

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