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29 results for: xlookup

Excel DGET Function Solves Two of Your VLOOKUP Problems

Quickly learn how to use Excel’s DGET Function to lookup one or more criteria. DGET can also do a left lookup (unlike VLOOKUP). It’s a forgotten Excel database function. Can you apply DGET to a range of cells? Find out in this article.

Practical Excel Dashboards Tips – Ideas to Get Creative

This Excel dashboard combines 4 strange features to create a dynamic and practical dashboard. It includes FILTER function with XLOOKUP, XOR function, Linked Picture as well as an Icon. You’ll find a lot of hidden gems in the way this Excel dashboard was created.

How to Send Emails from Excel with the Hyperlink Formula

With this Excel Hyperlink formula you’ll be able to create customized emails from Excel. You can use cell references for mailto recipient, body text and even Cc. It’s a big headache to do it manually for each person. Specially if your list is long. This Excel formula will do it for you.

Top 5 Excel Interview Questions

Make sure you know the answers to these Excel Interview questions before you go to your next interview. These are asked specially if you’re applying for data analyst jobs.

Excel Complex Lookup: Find Header

In this tutorial we tackle a complex lookup problem – how to return the header based on criteria in a matrix. I offer my solution using INDEX and SUMPRODUCT. We also cover alternative approaches proposed by the Excel community, including an interesting TEXTJOIN solution that is able to handle multiple match results.

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